Olivia Bachicha

Vice President of Field Services

Olivia has been in education for 28 years, and has served in the capacity of teacher, coach, principal, coordinator, and mentor. She serves as a VP of Field Services at Generation Schools Network and recently was named a finalist in the 2018 National Distinguished Principal of Colorado Award. She was the 2018 Colorado Association of Elementary School Principals region director and president-elect. She also received the Colorado High School Athletic Association Award for her role as Principal of Trinidad High School. Olivia is a graduate of Trinidad State Junior College and Adams State University where she earned a B.A. in Elementary Education, an M.A. in Elementary Education, and an M.A. in Educational Leadership. She recently completed the Superintendent Certification from Adams State University. The past several years, Olivia has served as Principal of Eckhart Elementary School in Trinidad, which housed kindergarten and first grade students. Due to her efforts, Eckhart Elementary School was recently certified and named as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School by Franklin Covey Education, one of only six worldwide. In addition, she received the Colorado Reading First Award for outstanding student achievement. Her students at Eckhart met required state benchmarks for DIBELS every year during her tenure. She also served as the coordinator of the Colorado Preschool Program, District Assessment Coordinator, Athletic Director and served as a UIP reviewer for the Colorado Department of Education. She currently provides services to Colorado school districts including Turnaround Leadership, Principal Induction, Social and Emotional Learning, 21st Century Learning, Data driven instruction, and Bullying Prevention. Olivia recently completed training to become certified in SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol).