
Instant Access to White Papers, Toolkits, Reports, Playlists, Podcasts, and More! 

BY CHOICE, NOT CHANCE: Engaging Social and Emotional Learning to Create a Supportive Climate and Discipline Strategies

This report is part of CASEL’s Social and Emotional Learning Innovations Series and provides educators, program providers, and policymakers with research-backed strategies for fostering equitable school discipline and supportive learning environments that prioritize student well-being and development.

Connections that Count: The Power of Social Capital in Classrooms

An article on how our partnership with Marzano Research is fostering social capital in schools and creating powerful connections that enhance student success, equity, and lifelong opportunities.

Justice Engaged Students Report

A report from a two-year study conducted in Colorado to track effective interventions that boost graduation rates in students who have been justice engaged.

Mock Interview Toolkit

A complete toolkit to hosting a successful mock interview event at your school.

SEL Program Review

Peer-reviewed journal on GSN's SEL programming, titled, "The Effect of the Advocacy Social-Emotional Learning Program on Emotional Competence"

Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Academic article published in the Rural Ed Journal on the CREC's teacher recruitment efforts in rural Colorado.

Check out our YouTube Playlists!

Social Emotional Learning

Best First Instruction

College and Career

Listen to the Redefining Rural Podcast!