Leadership, Talent, and Academic Improvement
GSN collaborates schools and districts to build leader and teacher capacity to ensure long-term achievement and improvement.
Data Protocols/Teams
Program Lead | Olivia Bachicha and Kirk Banghart
Our data protocols assist schools in analyzing school and student level data to identify the root causes around lack of school performance related to both academics and school culture. In addition, our team is skilled at helping schools interpret and fully understand their school and district rankings to determine which evidence-based strategies will move their school most quickly to better meet student needs and which challenges need long-term strategies.
Diagnostic Review
Program Lead | Olivia Bachicha and Kirk Banghart
Our comprehensive review service focuses on optimizing your school's daily master schedule, staff utilization, and resource implementation. Our expert GSN review team conducts a thorough analysis, providing a detailed report that highlights commendations and identifies areas needing improvement. The report also includes guiding questions for school leadership teams to consider for further development.
Our Diagnostic Review process includes:
Data Review: Comprehensive analysis of existing data.
Surveys: Collecting feedback from various stakeholders.
On-site Observations: Detailed classroom observations.
Interviews and Focus Groups: Engaging with staff, students, and parents.
Time Audit: Evaluating the effective use of school time.
Follow-Up Support: We offer improvement planning, coaching, and technical assistance to ensure continuous improvement is embedded in the school.
GSN has done over 60 Diagnostic Reviews across 5 states! Our process aligns to the Four Domains of Rapid School Improvement but can be customized based on your specific district or school criteria.
Leadership Coaching and Development
Program Lead | Kirk Banghart and Olivia Bachicha
Our comprehensive leadership development programs are customized to provide meaningful, ongoing and embedded support to a team of local school and district leaders who seek to transform their school ecosystem to ensure all students succeed. We accomplish this through our Turnaround Leadership Program (TLP) which has positively impacted teachers across the state.
Pedagogy and Instructional Strategies
Program Lead | Erin Coker and Olivia Bachicha
GSN collaborates with schools to vertically and horizontally align staff on pedagogical best practices in areas of instruction such as math, reading, and special populations. We use the Best First Instruction framework to ensure students are getting the best instruction possible the first time.
Services include in-person and virtual training on:
Best First Instruction
Principal Induction Program
Program Lead | Olivia Bachicha
We partner with districts and BOCES/county agencies to create and implement their principal induction/training programs. Our frameworks are designed to meet state requirements for new principals, principals new to their district, or incoming out-of-state principals in making a successful transition into their new school environment.
Teacher Recruitment and Retention
Program Lead | Kirk Banghart and Olivia Bachicha
Investing in recruiting, hiring, and retaining high-quality staff members is important regardless of location or profession. We work with schools to provide hiring guides, interview processes, and resume collection services so that our students, all over the nation, are taught by the best in the profession.
GSN also works with rural districts and counties to organize immersion events where teacher candidates visit rural communities and learn first hand what teaching and living in those communities is like.
Tiered Services Support
Program Lead | Donna Trujillo and Anna Hogberg
GSN supports schools in identifying and addressing student needs early, running collaborative data teams to analyze assessment data and plan targeted instruction, and strategize around best practices for core and individualized instruction so every student receives strategic support.
Your Team
Olivia Bachicha
Vice President of Field Services
Kirk Banghart
Vice President & Chief Facilitator, CREC
Erin Coker
Senior Director
Anna Hogberg
Senior Director
Donna Trujillo
Vice President of Tiered Services & Special Populations